
Sviluppo e territori


Thanks to its rich artistic, monumental, and natural heritage, as well as its extraordinary ability to provide products and services of the highest quality, the Italian territory can successfully compete in the global arena to position our country as a preferred destination for weddings and private ceremonies.

To understand to what extent the Italian system can meet every need at the highest levels in organizing weddings and private events welcomed from all over the world, one only needs to consider the universally recognized quality in all productive sectors or services somehow related to the celebration of a wedding characterized by care, style, and elegance. This includes bridal and ceremonial attire, shoes, bags, and various accessories for all guests, hairdressers, and makeup artists, sumptuous floral decorations, personal care services offered by wellness and spa centers, craftsmanship, luxury brands for gifts, high-quality catering for receptions in prestigious villas, castles, farms, and refined palaces where banquets become an opportunity to savor local dishes and products, with absolute professionalism paying attention to every detail. Additionally, there's the possibility of designing a myriad of alternative programs for guests thanks to the offerings of large hotels and travel agencies within the context of extraordinary locations that can enable the creation of truly "dream-like" photo and video services.

GREEN WEDDINGS ETS FOUNDATION - Piazza del Biscione, 95 - 00186 RomR (RM)
President Armando Soldaini – Phone. +39 3898481904 - E-mail: info@greenweddings.it

Established on 09/08/22, registered in Rome on 09/16/22 - cap. soc. €832,037.00 i.v. Tax code 96541680581
Registered at RUNTS, legal personality recognized with DRL n. GO2925 dated 14/3/2022 Ateco code 960909


Skal International

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