
Green Weekend

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The project
Green Weekend

The path of our foundation now involves replicating the Green Weekend project format successfully tested in the Lazio Region in the major Italian regions.

Thanks to the funding from the Lazio Region in 2020, we founded the DMO Green Weekend ETS Association (www.greenweekend.it) and initiated an experimental action aimed at identifying and verifying the optimal ways to accommodate and provide suitable quality guarantees for foreign wedding celebrations. To do this, we selected a territory that was still largely preserved in its original nature.

We have systematized all existing resources and also engaged agricultural operators to create an innovative hospitality circuit for the upscale target audience seeking nature-based experiences. The thorough investigation conducted in the territory allowed for significant checks from the outset and provided a wealth of data and procedural formats, but it also revealed a hidden network of small businesses with excellent professional standards that were struggling to reach a market unaware of their existence.

The action of DMO GW ETS initially focused on identifying these businesses and integrating them into a system, then creating a specific portal and initiating social promotional activities. The positive results we are seeing have encouraged us to continue the project, which includes not only replicating this experience in as many territories as possible but also planning an extensive international commercial and advertising promotion.

The Green Weddings ETS foundation was thus established to attract wedding celebrations to Italy through structured offers and proprietary commercial channels, increasing demand among previously untapped target audiences. Simultaneously, it aims to organize and systematize equipped landing areas throughout Italian territory.

The Italian Green Weekend project proposes a well-defined program of actions to regional entities composed of selected operator networks, the implementation of which can help make the territory more organized and attractive to this market

Territorial development

Ongoing projects

GREEN WEDDINGS ETS FOUNDATION - Piazza del Biscione, 95 - 00186 RomR (RM)
President Armando Soldaini – Phone. +39 3898481904 - E-mail: info@greenweddings.it

Established on 09/08/22, registered in Rome on 09/16/22 - cap. soc. €832,037.00 i.v. Tax code 96541680581
Registered at RUNTS, legal personality recognized with DRL n. GO2925 dated 14/3/2022 Ateco code 960909


Skal International

Media partner
