Wedding Tourism: Regions, Villages and Territories

Green Weddings 2023

To meet the growing demand for quality and to structure
a better hospitality and events system.

For a better reception on the territory To meet the growing demand for quality and establish a more structured system of specialized hospitality in the field of private events and ceremonies from abroad, a meeting is proposed among administrators, operators, and companies to assess strategies, identify best practices, and develop training programs aimed at enabling territories to equip themselves better to face and succeed in the global competition. Register now Why participate Green Weddings 2023 4th November | Rome The European Wedding Planner Conference is a unique opportunity to gain insights into new analyses, market trends, and the initiatives necessary for the promotion of Wedding Destinations in Italy.The presence of important politicians and key Italian stakeholders will provide a clear understanding of the industry's development directions and the solutions that will be adopted to establish Italy as a world leader in Wedding Tourism. OPPORTUNITY You will have the opportunity, in a single day, to present your company to the guests and participants of the three important scheduled events and stay updated on the latest developments in the Wedding industry   TEAM You will be able to determine if your company can be included in the regional development project for the promotion and development of Weddings in your Territories PRESENTATION You will have the opportunity to understand directly from the many Wedding Planners present how to better structure yourself to meet their demands  DOWNLOAD THE BROCHURE Destination Wedding, a great opportunity, discover how: The Wedding industry is evolving, and new business opportunities are coming from the foreign market. Discover, by meeting the key players, how to succeed in this market. Discover unique analyses, market trends, and numbers: Learn unique analyses, the result of fieldwork, that have immediate and practical implications in everyday work. Find Inspiration and Motivation: Getting to know the stories of those who have made it or are making it despite adversity. Discovering the opinions of your colleagues, learning from their mistakes, and drawing inspiration from their successes will give you a unique and invaluable perspective that you can apply to your business. Shaking hands, networking At the European Wedding Planners Congress, you will have the opportunity to meet hundreds of colleagues from abroad and all over Italy, experts and professionals in the field, exchange experiences, methods of operation, and little tricks that can make a difference. Gain a competitive advantage: Improve, compared to your competitors who do not train, do not update, and do not innovate. Company services Visibility on official channels Exclusive meeting International speakers present at the event Visibility during the event Gala dinner at Villa Mondragone for 2 people Dedicated B2B desk 2 Nights at Relais Villa Tuscolana for 2 people Dedicated newsletter sending Welcome Kit

GREEN WEDDINGS ETS FOUNDATION - Piazza del Biscione, 95 - 00186 RomR (RM)
President Armando Soldaini – Phone. +39 3898481904 - E-mail:

Established on 09/08/22, registered in Rome on 09/16/22 - cap. soc. €832,037.00 i.v. Tax code 96541680581
Registered at RUNTS, legal personality recognized with DRL n. GO2925 dated 14/3/2022 Ateco code 960909


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