
Green Weddings 2023

Download the full program of the Green Weddings 2024 event

March 2024 Green Weddings 2024 'Green Weddings 2024' on March 2024. The purpose of the event is to propose a moment of collective reflection, a kind of Estates General, on the various opportunities that attracting ceremonies and private events from abroad can offer to our country's economy. Promoting the establishment of well-organized areas in the territory to host green weddings from abroad and then working to attract the international Wedding Tourism market represents an effective way to support not only the tourism industry but also our excellent production. Download the full program

GREEN WEDDINGS ETS FOUNDATION - Piazza del Biscione, 95 - 00186 RomR (RM)
President Armando Soldaini – Phone. +39 3898481904 - E-mail:

Established on 09/08/22, registered in Rome on 09/16/22 - cap. soc. €832,037.00 i.v. Tax code 96541680581
Registered at RUNTS, legal personality recognized with DRL n. GO2925 dated 14/3/2022 Ateco code 960909


Skal International

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